What makes Angermann special as an employer?
It has always been important to me that our employees identify strongly with the company and that there is a positive and motivating atmosphere. The above-average length of service of many employees, some of whom have been working for Angermann since their training, shows that we are already doing a lot right. It has always been important to be attractive for one’s own staff and for potential applicants. Today, however, the requirements of what is known as “employer branding” are much higher.
Was this the motivation for making recruitment films presenting all the companies in the group?
Absolutely. These films are intended to address young potential applicants and show them what we stand for (see also our interview with director Marina Kern (in German) of Sterntaucher Filmproduktion in Hamburg). We also want to convey what the special so-called Angermann gene looks like.
What distinguishes the Angermann gene?
For one thing, it describes how our employees tick across all departments. Many of them regard themselves as entrepreneurs within the company. This requires independent action, a high degree of personal motivation and a very good capacity for teamwork. In order to identify suitable candidates, we deliberately go our own way. We therefore do not have an automated recruitment process. We have no assessment centres here; we prefer personal interviews, a predictive index procedure and, in some cases, trial working periods so that the applicant can gain a personal impression on the spot. The Angermann gene also describes how we see ourselves as a family company: with short decision paths, flat hierarchies and always having an open ear for the concerns and issues of our employees.